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Module 1: Create Deep Connections
Lesson 1: Our Relationship Goals (13:48)
Lesson 2: Listen to Connect (7:31)
Lesson 3: Be Playful with Them (14:48)
Lesson 4: Don't Rush Them (12:08)
Lesson 5: Spend 1 on 1 Time with Them (15:54)
Lesson 6: Forgive Quickly (13:50)
Lesson 7: Physical Connection (4:04)
Lesson 8: The 5:1 Rule (8:59)
Lesson 9: Don't Compare (6:50)
Lesson 10: Keep Your Promises (4:19)
Lesson 11: Love Them Unconditionally (8:34)
Summary of Module 1 (5:12)
Module 2: Discipline with Love
Lesson 1: Changing Our Own Mindset (5:11)
Lesson 2: 5 Parenting Gifts (16:41)
Lesson 3: START Activities (7:21)
Lesson 4: Timetables, Prompts, and Charts (5:54)
Lesson 5: Activity Flow and 2 Options (6:22)
Lesson 6: Positive Discipline (9:13)
Lesson 7: 3 Step Process (12:05)
Lesson 8: Consequence Wall (12:52)
Lesson 9: Our Triggers (8:20)
Module 3: Emotional Coaching
Lesson 1: Emotions Drive Behavior (8:02)
Lesson 2: Tantrums and Meltdowns (10:57)
Lesson 3: 5 Steps to Manage Emotional Outbursts (23:59)
Lesson 4: Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms (7:53)
Module 4: Fulfil Their Innermost Needs
Lesson 1: Our Five Needs (2:29)
Lesson 2: Survival (7:36)
Lesson 3: Love and Belonging (7:22)
Lesson 4: Identity and Power (12:48)
Lesson 5: Fun (4:19)
Lesson 6: Freedom (9:58)
Module 5: Love Them In Their Language
Lesson 1: 5 Love Languages (13:48)
Lesson 2: Physical Touch (4:36)
Lesson 3: Words of Affirmation (7:30)
Lesson 4: Quality Time (9:13)
Lesson 5: Gifts (4:49)
Lesson 6: Acts of Service (8:40)
Lesson 7: Identify Their Love Language (3:44)
Module 6: Build Resilience
Lesson 1: Importance of Resilience (4:37)
Lesson 2: The Goldilocks Principle (9:45)
Lesson 3: Praise Them Right (5:44)
Lesson 4: Give Them Real Opportunities (10:02)
Lesson 5: Normalize Failure (3:37)
Lesson 6: Be a Supportive Parent (8:23)
Lesson 1: 5 Love Languages
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